Nekemte Coffee.


Ethiopia has the most diversified of coffee types.

Nekemte, also called Nakamti is a city and a woreda of western Ethiopia. It was the capital of the erstwhile Welega province and is home to a museum of Wollega Oromo culture. It is located at an elevation of 2,088 at the coordinates of 9°5′N 36°33′E.

Nekemte Coffee

Nekemte coffee is produced in Western Ethiopia and it is highly valued for its pleasant fruity flavour. At times the higher-grade coffee can be unique with honey, citrus, and floral notes. It has long elongated beans with a green to brownish colour. The cup is generally clean with slight fruity acidic taste and body of the best quality mocha. It forms an important part of a specialist roasters blend, but it is also is an excellent gourmet single.
